Gioia, PIL e rivoluzione (Happiness, GDP and revolution)
(to be translated soon) Che il prodotto interno lordo (d’ora in poi PIL) sia un modo un po’ antiquato ed altamente discrezionale di misurare il flusso di ricchezza prodotto annualmente in unRead More…
SFC models: old stuff or brand-new models?
Someone asserts they need to be microfounded. Someone claims they are not brand-new models. Someone rejected them or abandoned their ‘brand’ because they are no longer the cutting edge of heterodox economics. Perhaps theseRead More…
I was not a pacifist
No, I am not talking about economics this time, not narrowly-defined economics at least. I have attached below some notes of mine (for a local newspaper) on both the recent interview ofRead More…
Dadanomics: economics is not a science. Is it?
As usual, the awarding of the Nobel prize to Angus Deaton has reopened the long-lasting debate about the ‘scientificity’ of social sciences, particularly economics. On one side, stand most mainstream economists, whoRead More…
Talking about poverty is fine, but…
Talking about poverty is fine and, yes, I am pretty happy with the recent Nobel prize in economic sciences, Angus Deaton. However, I keep on thinking that those who really care about incomeRead More…
Financialisation and the monetary circuit
The article that Malcolm Sawyer and I wrote for the Metroeconomica‘s special issue on Augusto Graziani‘s economic thought is now available online. It is a spinoff of the FESSUD project. We payRead More…
Many of us have always suspected that there was a long-lasting, though intermittent and underground, relationship between economics (or at least some of its theorists) and psychedelia. Think of the Ricardian ‘opium-eater’ ThomasRead More…
Adam Smith and ‘Neoliberalism’
So tomorrow I will be introducing Adam Smith to my students. Interestingly enough, Smith is usually regarded as the founding father of laissez faire in economy policy. No doubt, he was aRead More…
The importance of teaching the History of Economic Thought
The importance of the history of economic thought, i.e. of the study of the historical evolution of different paradigms in economics: that was the topic of my introductory lecture today. Odd thoughRead More…