Keynes and the short (meaning the long) run
Today marks the anniversary of the death of John Maynard Keynes. You will be all dead in the long run – he would probably remind us. Not to mean that the longRead More…
Today marks the anniversary of the death of John Maynard Keynes. You will be all dead in the long run – he would probably remind us. Not to mean that the longRead More…
Here find the slides of my talk (Italian only).
I have discussed the topic above on La Gabbia, LA7, “Grillo contro Renzi”, 6 April 2014, from min. 1:12:52 (go to the video)
After Italy, it is the turn of France to ‘reform’ the labour market. Figures A to C show the story we are usually told in that regard: the higher labour flexibility, the higher the employment levelRead More…
The recording of the event is now available on Youtube
Go to the event on Facebook
– From: Collettivo Stella Rossa [Italian only] – Abbiamo rivolto qualche domanda a Marco Veronese Passarella, docente di economia presso l’Università di Leeds e co-autore con Emiliano Brancaccio del libro: “L’austerità èRead More…
It is a well known fact. Economists like doing it with models. But they often do it with wrong or irrelevant models – one would be attempted to say. Are simple economics models alwaysRead More…
Tomorrow will mark the second anniversary of Augusto Graziani‘s passing. Graziani has been one of the most eminent Italian economists of the Twentieth century. He was the founding father of the (Italian school of the) monetaryRead More…