Supermultiplier, Innovation and the Ecosystem
Here is the paper that Matteo Deleidi, Riccardo Pariboni and I are presenting at the 22nd Annual Conference of the FMM (Berlin 2018) and the 59th Annual Conference of the Italian EconomicRead More…
Here is the paper that Matteo Deleidi, Riccardo Pariboni and I are presenting at the 22nd Annual Conference of the FMM (Berlin 2018) and the 59th Annual Conference of the Italian EconomicRead More…
Go to podcast.
[Italian only] Sono trascorsi più di dieci anni dal 15 settembre 2008, giorno della dichiarazione del fallimento di Lehman Brothers, la più grande bancarotta nella storia degli Stati Uniti e avvio diRead More…
30th Annual EAEPE Conference, Nice, September 6-8, 2018. Go to conference website Download presentation slides Download the article Download program file (available soon)
15th International Conference ‘Developments in Economic Theory and Policy’, Bilbao, June 28-29, 2018. Go to conference website Download presentation slides Download paper
[Italian only] Lo so che siete tutti impazienti di sapere come va a finire con Marx, Sraffa e lo Spirito Santo. Però prima c’é un’altra cosa che vi voglio raccontare e cheRead More…
Download my presentation’s material: Working paper Slides (preliminary version) Model R Code Conference schedule
Wednesday 28 March 2018, 10.00 am – 5.30 pm, Dipartimento di Economia e Giurisprudenza, Via S.Angelo Loc. Folcara – Cassino (FR), Sala del Consiglio – Rettorato. Go to workshop’s webpage Download presentation DownloadRead More…
Watch the video (from min. 0:56:37).
…but, no, this time it is not a bad dream (watch the video)