Money creation and circular economy

You can find here the material I am using in the next conferences I am participating in (STOREP, ESEE, EAEPE, and FMM) during the Summer-Fall 2022. 1. Circular economy innovations in an<a class="moretag" href="">Read More...</a>
By : Marco Veronese Passarella | May 20, 2022

War economics

[Italian only] Primo Maggio a Lari (PI), Festa Rossa, 2022. Vai il video del Red Talk (su YouTube)
By : Marco Veronese Passarella | May 4, 2022

The PNRR: aims, contraints and results

Workshop organised by Sottosopra, Friday 8th April 2022, Milan. Download the presentation slides Download the model Watch the video (on YouTube)
By : Marco Veronese Passarella | Apr 8, 2022

Inflation: class struggle is…

…the elephant in the room [Italian only] “L’inflazione è sempre e ovunque un fenomeno monetario” – così ammoniva Milton Friedman nella sua celebre Storia monetaria degli Stati Uniti (1867-1960), scritta a quattro<a class="moretag" href="">Read More...</a>
By : Marco Veronese Passarella | Apr 5, 2022

It is not la vie en rose…

The aim of this paper is twofold. First, it shows how a standard stock-flow consistent model (SFCM) can be modified to embed some fundamental insights from Graziani’s theory of monetary circuit (TMC).<a class="moretag" href="">Read More...</a>
By : Marco Veronese Passarella | Mar 16, 2022

I dividendi dell’euro…

Verità o leggenda? [Italian only] Mercoledì 25 ottobre 2023, ore 20:15 Seminario di approfondimento nell’ambito del corso di GEOPOLITICA, Università Aperta di Imola. Relatore Marco Veronese Passarella Università dell’Aquila e Università di<a class="moretag" href="">Read More...</a>
By : Marco Veronese Passarella | Oct 11, 2021

JUST2CE Kick-Off Meeting

JUST2CE stands for A JUst Transition TO the Circular Economy. It is a research project funded by the European Union. It is based on the assumption that a critical evaluation of the<a class="moretag" href="">Read More...</a>
By : Marco Veronese Passarella | Sep 8, 2021

The future of economics teaching

Panel 2: Economics and climate change (AHE Conference 2021) With Molly Scott Cato (Green Party, UK) and Elke Pirgmaier (University of Lausanne). Organised by Andrew Mearman (University of Leeds).  Link to programme<a class="moretag" href="">Read More...</a>
By : Marco Veronese Passarella | Jul 15, 2021

If Marx were…

…one of “those of the living labour” [to be translated soon] Se Marx avesse sviluppato fino in fondo la categoria di “lavoro diretto”, accantonando quella di “lavoro morto” cristallizzato nei mezzi di<a class="moretag" href="">Read More...</a>
By : Marco Veronese Passarella | Jul 1, 2021
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