Marx 2 Day Bicentennial Conference

Download my presentation’s material: Working paper Slides (preliminary version) Model R Code Conference schedule  
By : Marco Veronese Passarella | Apr 24, 2018

Real sector and financial sector in Italian economy’s models

Wednesday 28 March 2018, 10.00 am – 5.30 pm, Dipartimento di Economia e Giurisprudenza, Via S.Angelo Loc. Folcara – Cassino (FR), Sala del Consiglio – Rettorato. Go to workshop’s webpage Download presentation Download<a class="moretag" href="">Read More...</a>
By : Marco Veronese Passarella | Mar 27, 2018

Agorà – 19 December 2017

Watch the video (from min. 0:56:37).
By : Marco Veronese Passarella | Dec 21, 2017

I am back to school tomorrow…

…but, no, this time it is not a bad dream (watch the video)
By : Marco Veronese Passarella | Dec 17, 2017

A SFC model for Italy (FMM Conference)

I am participating in the annual FMM Conference in Berlin this coming Thursday-Saturday. You can find below the material I am using for my presentation: working paper (download here) presentation slides (download here)<a class="moretag" href="">Read More...</a>
By : Marco Veronese Passarella | Nov 7, 2017

Future at work

Watch the video (here my reply to questions). Download the PDF presentation.
By : Marco Veronese Passarella | Jun 10, 2017

A Critique of EU and Policies

You can download here my presentation at the Critical Economics Summit of Bologna.
By : Marco Veronese Passarella | May 5, 2017

The wrong side

[Italian only] Non voto in Italia da molti anni. Non avrei votato per il referendum inglese. Non avrei votato per le presidenziali americane. Non voterei per il secondo turno delle francesi. Non<a class="moretag" href="">Read More...</a>
By : Marco Veronese Passarella | Apr 29, 2017
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